Friday, March 12, 2010

Zoom zoom, gimme some, gimme more

Darling mzanzi…gimme more,

gimme more,

gimme more time,

gimme more love,

I would love to abuse you,

Sorry, meant to say, I will like to hold you,

hold you tight squeeze your last breath,

suck your sweet dry lips until you burst with draught

I am your lover trust me you won’t die

Don’t panic, you in my arms,

I promise I won’t disappoint you

I will do as you expected as you feared

Don’t worry you ain’t going to die…

Gimme more so you live

I will live in abundance for you my dear

Don’t worry about your struggle

Don’t worry about your old thorn rags

Just gimme more,

gimme more of the less you have

don’t you know I am the father of the nation?

Gimme more kisses on the ballot paper

I need more

To keep you down to your position

With my empty promises

Now come on don’t cry

You know I lied,

Come on,

you didn’t believe me, did you?

really now, free education,

affordable electricity

I am not Baas what will I milk?

If not your tits, meant your bank!!

No Angry Just Hungry

i thought for a second,

a second felt longer

as my hunger

command anger

as danger

rise from within my burning arteries.

in a moment i leaped for hope

as desires like rising seas

engulf my sense of commonness

leaving the lean part of me


leaning on the shoulders of death.

I struggle to take a breath

of fresh air,

still i do not feel fresh

my stake feels stale

even the wilderness desires me no more

i watch with dismay

as my babies starve to death

while the riches of my woump

feeds the bellies of my haters.

I wish they could choke on it.

I keep repeating,

a luta continua, aluta continua

but a lot continues

a lot continue

my babies continue cry

my tears to feel my rivers

my ... still contiues.

my dignity still is the door mat

with which the world wipes it's

stinking, rottern smelling...

...she eat,

i eat from underneath the masters table

the remains and dirt of the devils lunch

and hope God is watching over me!

Thursday, March 4, 2010



Like a bee in a beehive

houses shinning with gold, honey and jelly

they stand upright in world abroad claiming to represent the majority

while fulfilling their selfish quest to enter the Forbes list of riches

they continue to dine and wine with their counterparts from the other color

as they continue to squeeze tight the world’s budget for their greater benefit.


The bee

that sting with its deceitful handshake,

it rallies with the poor once in every five seasons

making promises of a better tomorrow, hope and prosperity

then disappear into the limelight, red carpets, vip lounges

as they rip the rewards we gladly awarded them…

with our humbled “X”



brother don’t be

the bee that beast its own flesh and blood

in an empty quest full of earthly mystifying dreams


black sister don’t fall blind to thoughts of denting whiteness

that seeks to confuse your blackness

my bee’s brothers and sisters

reach deep in your soul for the strength to survive

the cause that seek to convert your spirit to that of a hyena!

the cause that seeks to give you a ride in the gravy train

of mass murders, deception and lies!


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Give it up brother

sure I have never seen your face

neither have I seen that of your sons and daughters

nor that of your graceful wife

and even though I have never seen your people

their plight like a light cannot be hidden

History knows you once were a true African,

a man who fought the white beast to free

the soul of his African clan

What ever happened to the food basket of the world

how did this become a banana country

where mambo jumps bambo

indeed i do not aim to criticize

however I am puzzled as death resides in your door step

Master you must be tired of waving your arm

to chaise the houseflies smelling blood in your reign

Give it up brother

it ain't worth it any more

the basket is empty

even the bananas no longer grow in your backyard

soon there will be nothing

cacth a call, wake up brother

from an African to another,

give it up it aint worth it anymore!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Where has the Hero gone to!?

The battle field looks nasty
what the politicians are cooking ain't tasty
my body shivers as they sing their promise
at heart I do feel like crying as they are believed
but this flock of selfserving wealthy men
was once the spear of the nation
once they cried our tears
but now they sucking our blood
as they reward themself for what some call
the trouble they have been trough
as they fought the evil historical beast

they lust every cent that exist
and they know we havent learnt to judge them
their greatest shield our desire to protect freedom
and the only freedom we know is black
how can they ever loose
how can we ever abandon them
our heroes, those who intend to loose us
as they build multi billion mansions
in expensive surburbs while they
plant match boxes in townships all over the place
with little intuation or thought to what they do
they continue to enforce the clustering of people by wealth
yet they are counting on us
to hand them their golden tickets to the gravy train

we lifted them before
we will lift them again
better the devil we know right!
i ain't coping no complaining
this is the way of life...there aint heroes anymore
everybody is scratching his own bellies
and thsi bellies are bottomless
hence this hunger is never going
those with little hands are the endangered spicies
the bigger hands are fast and furiuos
you should see them on our roads
they overtake and take over us
are these our heroes...flashing blue lights
in black elegant rides forcing us off the road

may the real heroes please stand up!

Dead chants of freedom…

Dead chants of freedom…

The chants of freedom faded into the night of passing times

as soldiers are no longer born

boys learn how to toy with guns

intellectual lectures on morality and blackness

replaced with stories beginning with “In our times”

as the teller continues to gallop sick sweet poison

with a bar toddler on his lap commenting “Sweet Sugar”

The chants of freedom buried with the dead of 93

forums of today discuss freedom to sin

as in freedom to kill the innocent dependent

before they even see the light of the day

the closet sinners demand to be appreciated

and the law dance to their tune

men shall point another with his stick

and woman shall father a man.

Rhythm of the dead chant

as metal sounds melt the night away

young revelers black and white

dazzle in the mix of substance

dirty smokes in the air

as we jam to our intoxication

panties down no mangamanga business

tomorrow we shall tow the tac line

I lament the death of freedom chants!!!

What is sinner's sigh all about...

There are times when creative juices seem to flow trough my brain and though I am not a writer nor a poet at times I do find myself with desires to share the offspring's of my thoughts with the world. From now on I will hang all my mental lingerie here and I do hope you do not laugh at the holes in them.