Saturday, March 27, 2021

 You paint me


Your smile painting my face with light

Your soothing words bless my heart

Your leave light shining in my hut

With you by my side, I am all alive         


Do frown not your face for me

Shed no tear in my name

I would drown in your tears

Your heart is my home dear


I forgot how to be happy without your joy

You the engine of my soul, my joy

Smile my love I will shine your love

Even in shackles, my heart desires only you


Paint me like your dearest wall

With your heart, declare me the masterpiece

I shall abide by the move of your hands

I am yours to carry me brighter days.

 Man up to a blessing


Besides all locks and shackles

Halls, boarders and constituencies

Rise to your duties


Rise like you rose on the night

This time rise on your feet

With your fist in an eternal battle

Fatherly battle against all odds


Lay off the excuse

You were not invited the holy second

Seek know invite to your holy duties

Remember the night you saw your seed

Bless it with responsibility that a man should be

No excuse is good enough

Rise for the offspring’s of your divine hunger


Shake your body like you did before

Be a blessing you are designed to be

Never mind your pocket

Take time to be a blessing you are.