When You Let Me Down
My heart cracks,
some cracks will heal
others will become scars
a permanent reminder
that not all is well
that this ain’t perfect
like aging walls
the cracks open way
for unwanted inhabitants
to penetrate through
messing this special thing
making me weak
making me no more meek
fragments or our fragile hearts
keeps our bodies going one more steps
but how long can this wreckage
withstand the withering weather
when you let me down
and maybe because I deserve it
think of the dust that will never settle
think of the ache that may never heal
and if you and I are to share tomorrow
will you survive the rough of my tears
the storm that my heart will brew
will you survive?
When you let me down
and maybe I am no better man
maybe I too let you down
will this cutting and biting
make any of us better
or are we drowning
in the dungeon of our mistakes
where we can’t escape our pity emotions
when I let you down
think of when you let me down
maybe forgive my short sight
maybe forgive my imperfections
maybe this way we both will heal